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Extra waiting time or other additional service from Welcome Pickups driver

Book more time or other additional service from my driver

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What's included


  • Additional waiting time for the requested period according to our Terms & Conditions


  • Possible transaction fees


    Extra waiting time is defined as an amount of time in addition to the complimentary waiting time offered by the Company for which the Traveller asks the Driver to wait for them.

    If You request extra waiting time and the assigned Driver can accommodate this, an extra fee will be charged to You for every 15 minutes of extra waiting time, as follows:

    ● For a Pickup where a Sedan car-type is assigned: EUR 6.00 / 15 min

    ● For a Pickup where a Minivan car-type is assigned: EUR 9.00 / 15 min

    ● For a Pickup where a Minibus car-type is assigned: EUR 12.00 / 15 min


    The Company offers the following complimentary waiting times, depending on the type of transfer booked:

    ● Airports: 60 minutes

    ● Port/Train/Bus Stations: 30 minutes

    ● Other locations: 15 minutes


● The assigned driver will wait for you longer and will provide you the service as requested

● The Company does not charge any commission to these fees

How much does it cost?



Why would I need to book an extra time?

The complimentary waiting time starts counting from the scheduled pickup time.

In case you will not manage to meet your driver until the end of complimentary waiting time, you may request additional waiting time by paying to Welcome Pickups via card or directly to your driver in cash.



Still have questions?

Reach out to our Customer support team, and they will make sure to give you all the information you need regarding Welcome.

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